Nutrition for Better Life

Fastest growing Nutritional brand

Omega Mind QT

Omega Mind QT
₹670 (30 CAP)

Omega Mind is based on omega 3 fatty acid coenzyme. It’s a different product when you consider it and it has q-10, which is like vitamins, which is important for our body. We all know that mitochondria produce energy in our body. It helps mitochondria to stay healthy. The Q-10 enzyme helps in cuing heart diseases and also mind related diseases like depression or loss of memory. It also cures cancer in many cases. This can be taken by people who are taking blood thinning medicines. Blood thinning medicines reduce the Q-10 enzyme in your body, that’s why its important to take this medicine. Along with this, it has Zinc, biloba, Ginseng, Vitamin-B, C, Folic Acid and Biotin. It comes in a 30 capsule packaging.